USTA North Carolina's Raise The Net
Since 2012, USTA North Carolina has partnered with USTA to deliver over $500,000 in funding for new and existing facilities.
Steps to Becoming a Partner

Read the Information on the USTA Tennis Venue Services page. Make sure your venue is supported by the program

Fill out the USTA Facility Assistance form.

Wait to be contacted by a USTA Facility Consultant. They will guide you through the next steps. Contact Kelly Gaines and keep her in the loop.
Grant Assistance
As a part of the overall Facility Assistance, both USTA Southern and USTA North Carolina offer grant assistance as well. We work hand in hand with the USTA consultant once they sign off on your plan, our two organizations can add to the grant total. 
You will not receive a grant amount untill all the technical review has been completed and USTA has signed off. You will receive letters from each entity to which you apply. The total makes up your award.
USTA Southern Policy on Lines on Tennis Courts
With the recent USTA National statement of guidance for parks and recreation facilities on tennis and pickleball, please note the current policy in place for events in the USTA Southern Section remains:
“Tennis courts eligible for USTA Southern sanctioned competition, including junior and adult tournaments and league, must contain only lines prescribed by the ITF Rules of Tennis, as a set out in the USTA Handbook of Tennis Rules and Regulations."
Courts that include both tennis AND pickleball lines are NOT eligible to host sanctioned events/play in the Southern Section. We will continue to explore options to collaborate with facilities and providers who wish to offer pickleball and help advocate for the construction of separate pickleball facilities.
As you move through the process, you will be asked to create a plan for play and use of your courts. Below are some examples that can put your facility on the pathway for tennis!
Our USTA North Carolina staff is here to help you with all aspects of programming. If you have any questions about the process, please contact Kelly Gaines.

Click here for the roadmap for juniors!
Click here for the details behind the roadmap!
Click here for the roadmap for adults!
Click here for the details behind the roadmap!